Physiotherapy Vienna

Health in the best hands:
Physiotherapy that moves you!

With us, you are not only in the best hands but also experience an excellent, holistic treatment that promotes your health on all levels.

Orthopädie Wien

ANDRUKONIS Physiotherapy Vienna

Our team consists of qualified physiotherapists, experienced orthopedists, osteopaths, masseurs, and nutritionists. This diversity allows us to create individualized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and health goals of each patient.

We offer not only top-notch physiotherapeutic treatments but also a comprehensive, holistic care package. This package includes both preventive and rehabilitative measures aimed at sustainably improving the well-being and quality of life of our patients. We aim to set new standards for physical therapy in Vienna!

Our practice in Vienna

Our barrier-free group practice at Spallartgasse 19/1, in Vienna’s 14th district, is ideally located – just 300 meters from the Hütteldorfer Straße subway station. An elevator conveniently takes you to the first floor, where you will be greeted by our friendly reception at number 3. Here, you will find bright, modern rooms and a waiting area with a pleasant ambiance that invites relaxation.

What we are proud of: Our customer reviews

Our commitment and constant effort to always give our best in treatment and to support our patients exactly where they need it most is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.

We are proud that our patients appreciate the value of our work and express this through their positive feedback.

Physiotherapie Patient
Danke Physiotherapie
Physiotherapie Patientin
Patientin bei ANDRUKONIS Physiotherapie
Physiotherapie Patientin

Our physiotherapeutic treatments

Physiotherapy home visits

Our offer of mobile physiotherapy in the form of home visits is ideal if you have difficulty visiting a practice due to your health condition. The therapists will visit you at home, advise you, and support you on your path to recovery.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a treatment method that uses high-frequency sound waves for targeted healing, pain relief, and improved blood circulation in tissues. When applied to the tissue, ultrasound creates mechanical vibrations that lead to micro-massage effects.


Sports physiotherapy

Sports therapy focuses on the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries, supports the restoration of performance, and promotes the physical health of athletes and active individuals.

CMD/TMJ therapy

Therapy for Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD) focuses on diagnosing and treating functional disorders in the jaw area. It aims to stabilize the jaw joints, release muscle tension, and relieve pain. Dentists and physiotherapists work closely together to ensure the best possible treatment.

Manuelle Lymphdrainage Leistung

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle form of manual therapy with special massage techniques designed to stimulate the lymphatic system in the body. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and performs several important functions in the body.


Electrotherapy is a method in physiotherapy where electrical currents are used to treat pain, tension, and paralysis. It usually causes a pleasant tingling sensation and promotes blood circulation, aiding smooth healing.

Physiotherapie Wien

Trigger point therapy

Trigger point therapy is a form of manual therapy aimed at treating painful muscle knots. Through targeted massage or pressure, these knots are relaxed, which can release chemical signals that reduce pain and relax the muscles, improving muscle function.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle form of manual therapy with special massage techniques designed to stimulate the lymphatic system in the body. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and performs several important functions in the body.

Bobath concept

Bobath therapy is a special type of movement therapy for people with neurological problems such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s. The goal is to increase independence and quality of life by restoring natural movement patterns.

Schroth therapy

Schroth therapy uses specific exercises and postural adjustments. By targeted corrections of the spine, it aims to reduce deformity, balance muscle imbalances, and improve breathing. Schroth therapy is now an integral part of scoliosis treatment.

Pain therapy

Pain therapy has a long history, from ancient methods to modern approaches. Modern physiotherapeutic approaches in pain therapy focus on correcting muscle imbalances, improving mobility, and optimizing posture.

CMD Therapie Wien

Atlas correction

Atlas correction is a manual therapy method that focuses on aligning the atlas vertebra, the first cervical vertebra. The idea is to improve posture and balance of the spine through gentle movement of the atlas vertebra, alleviating various complaints of the affected individuals.

Physical therapy Vienna: Prices

In our private physiotherapy practice, we place great importance on offering individualized and high-quality treatments. Therefore, our prices vary depending on the qualification level of the treating physiotherapist and the effort required for the respective therapy. We understand that costs are an important factor for our patients and strive to ensure transparent and fair prices.

If your doctor prescribes physical therapy treatments, you can claim these costs from your health insurance. To make the process easier for you, we offer to submit the prescription for you after the therapy is completed. You can find out more about this in our blog post „Physiotherapy Costs„!

Private physiotherapy Vienna

Private physiotherapy practices in Vienna offer several advantages over public practices that can be particularly attractive to patients. One of the main advantages is the personal and often more intensive care. Private practices usually have fewer patients at the same time, allowing therapists to spend more time per patient. This leads to a more individualized and focused treatment, tailored specifically to each person’s needs.

Regarding costs and reimbursements, patients who use private physiotherapy must initially bear the treatment costs themselves. However, it is possible to get a portion of the costs reimbursed by the health insurance. The exact reimbursement amount varies depending on the health insurance and the specific insurance plan.

Our physiotherapists

To ensure a wide range of therapeutic services in our group practice, we have assembled a team of over ten specialists from various medical disciplines. At ANDRUKONIS Physiotherapy, we place great value on interdisciplinary collaboration, as we are convinced that this approach promotes holistic thinking and provides the greatest benefit for our patients.

With our approach, we aim not only to alleviate physical complaints but also to promote overall well-being and thus have a positive impact on the entire lives of our patients.

Physiotherapie Team

Service areas

Why Physiotherapy Andrukonis?


Our physiotherapists have first-class training and stay up to date with regular internal and external training and active exchange among colleagues.


We place great importance on reliability and punctuality, as these values are essential to our practice philosophy. They are an integral part of our mission, which we pursue with commitment and dedication.


Professionalism in treatment, service, and the execution of our services is of utmost importance to us and a central concern of our practice.

Frequently asked questions

The amount of reimbursement varies depending on the health insurance, the type of prescription, and the duration of the treatment. For exact rates, please contact your health insurance.

The cost of our physiotherapy sessions depends on the duration of the treatment: for a 30-minute session, we charge €55, for 45 minutes €75, and for one hour (60 minutes) €95. Additionally, we charge a travel fee of €30 for home visits.

A physiotherapy session typically lasts either 30, 45, or 60 minutes.

Physiotherapy can sometimes be uncomfortable or slightly painful, especially when treating injuries or chronic pain conditions. However, it aims to alleviate pain and improve mobility.

The number of required physiotherapy sessions varies depending on the individual condition, type of injury or illness, and specific treatment goals. Your therapist will create a plan based on your personal situation.

For physiotherapy sessions, comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows freedom of movement and access to the affected body area is recommended. Athletic shoes are also advisable if balance or walking exercises are part of the therapy.